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Our island - Limnos

Archaeological areas

May 2, 2013 archaeological areas

Poliochni, the most significant prehistoric settlement on the island, located on the eastern shore of Lemnos, near the village kiln. Founded in the 4th millennium BC, just across from Troy, which was built 1000 years later, when Poliochni had already evolved into organized urban center, with rectangular stone houses, protective wall, squares, lanes, streets, public buildings and parliament.

Considered the oldest urban center and commercial port in Europe and dominated the NE Aegean for two millennia.
The parliament of Poliochni represents the oldest record in Europe and the world, there is a democratic polity. H Poliochni named Eptapolis well as excavated here seven different cities in seven successive layers.
Destroyed by successive earthquakes five centuries before the Troy of Priam. Among the findings distinguished the treasure of gold jewelery on display at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, and remind the so-called 'Treasure of Priam "discovered by Schliemann at Troy.

The Hephaestia was the largest city of Lemnos for 22 centuries (1000-1200 AD). It was built by the Pelasgians and flourished during the Athenian, Roman and Byzantine period.Excavations of the decade 1926-1936 has revealed houses, cemeteries, baths, wells, theater of the Hellenistic period and a huge building (probably the palace and the labyrinth of Lemnos). They discovered among other currencies testify "Hfaisteia 'feast in honor of the god Hephaestus, and the temple of the Great Goddess.

After the decline Hephaestia Natural disasters harbor, the focus of commercial traffic moved to Cochin.

    Access from Kontopouli with passable dirt road.
    Daily except Mondays, 8.00 - 15.00
    Tel: 22543 50700.    

The telesterion of Kaviria is the oldest known Greek telesterion in space. It was dedicated to the worship of Kaveiron, children of Hephaestus and Kaveiros, demons of fire and metalworking, fertility, wine and sea.

Here Kaveiria celebrated the mysteries associated with the rebirth of nature and fertility of the land. According to legend, here were led by women who could not conceive and secret ceremonies earned fertility.

Beneath the sanctuary of Kaveiron is the cave where he lived for 12 years Philoctetes, when he left the Achaeans in the campaign to Troy, because the snake bite.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

The temple of Artemis, which was discovered during the excavation and construction of the hotel. The temple, dedicated to goddess Diana-Moon, patron of Myrina, which was identified later by Ipsipili, mythical queen of Lemnos, was used by the Archaic to the Hellenistic period. Excavation consists of the main building with arched buildings. Around the core of the sanctuary, which is outdoor, as Artemis was the goddess of the sky, utility rooms opened for worship and stay for visitors. In the main room of the temple idols found sacrificed young bulls and bull, demonstrating the direct relationship of the sacred Myrinas to that of Tauropolos Artemis. The temple is located inside the hotel and can be visited.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Excavation is limited, distinguished the early urban planning, the sewer pipes with exposed stone and cobblestone streets between houses. The findings, which were discovered close to the soil surface (20-30 cm), revealed a society of farmers, breeders, fishermen, hunters, and traders. There were also artisans clay, wood, stone, and copper, which warrant the designation of Lemnos, an island of Hephaestus         

The Castle of Myrina was built in the early 12th century and was one of the strongest in the Aegean Sea.
Covering an area of ??144 acres and the walls have a maximum height of 120 meters was built on the ruins of Pelasgian walls and materials used in the construction of the classical acropolis, he disappeared. Acquired its present form during the Venetian period. Timeless was the strongest fortress of Lemnos with triple wall, 14 towers, deep trench in the east and 150 cannons. The town itself was named Myrina Castle until 1955. In east central gate led paved path. A smaller northern gate near the coast. Inside the preserved ruins of buildings from all periods of history.

In 1770, the Turks built a fortification known as "Dumbo" extant. Also survived a Turkish mosque, a vaulted underground parking, a pool and rock paintings depicting ships.
The castle is open to visitors at all times.

Among the rubble quite live goats and a multitudinous group of deer! It is known deer, carried out some decades ago from Rhodes, multiplied and became the new inhabitants of the castle.

Read 3305 times Last modified Tuesday, 01 July 2014 23:21
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